Many civilizations throughout history have treasured the precious gemstone sapphire. As a matter of fact, Royalty have coveted its deep blue hue making it one of the most sought-after gemstones in the world. It is incredibly scratch resistant and durable as well as stunningly beautiful.
Sapphires come in a range of eye-catching colours, from deep blues, to greens and yellows, and even rose pink. Blue sapphires specifically are the most popular. Trace amounts of iron and titanium cause their colour. “Padparadscha,” is a name given to pink-orange sapphires. It is an ancient Sanscrit word that describes the colour of a tropical lotus flower.

Sapphire is a gemstone that you can cut into a variety of shapes and sizes. This makes it a particularly versatile choice for many different applications. Add a bit of sparkle to your life with a relatively affordable and accessible option compared to other precious gemstones.

Sapphires are a gem variety of corundum, a mineral composed of aluminium oxide. Corundum is the second-hardest mineral on the Mohs scale, which is why it is an excellent choice for jewellery. And for other items that will be subject to wear and tear. Its incredible strength and durability also makes it a popular choice for a wide range of industrial applications. Watchmaking and the production of laser components are two examples.
You can find sapphires in creeks and rivers in many parts of eastern Australia. They weather out of igneous rocks that bring them to the surface of the earth, and concentrate in alluvial deposits.

All things considered, with its unique combination of beauty and strength, sapphire is an ideal choice for a variety of projects and applications. Whether you’re looking for something to add a touch of sparkle to your jewellery, an industrial grade material, or an addition to your mineral collection, sapphire is sure to be a great choice!
You can find out more about corundum and its varieties on Mindat.
And check out other mineral entries here!