…is now available here.
This month, in this 61 page full-colour issue we have the following articles:
- Locality Snippet – Grey Horse Mine, Pinal Co., Arizona. This month, we look at a mine that has produced some very nice vanadium mineral specimens.
- Quartz Crystals from a Farmer’s Field in Saltville, Virginia. This month, Rolf tells us about a collection of quartz crystals where over 1,000 would fit in a one quart jar.
- Minerals and Elements: Yttrium – The next in the series, yttrium, a member of the Rare Earth elements.
- Mineral Snippet – Hematite, a mineral known since antiquity and a major ore of iron.
- Illustrated Minerals of Australia Volume 4, Part 3 – Kasolite to Koechlinite. The next installment of a significant undertaking documenting the 1,500 or so mineral species recorded in Australia.
- The Waverley Gem and Mineral Club Show.