Monthly Mineral Chronicles Volume 5 Issue 10 is now available here.
This month, in this 69 page full-colour issue we have the following articles:
- Locality Snippet – Wheal Remfry, Cornwall. A look at the China Clay industry in Cornwall, and in particular, minerals from Wheal Remfry.
- Cornish Mineral Heritage – A link to some of the mineral collection housed at the Royal Cornwall Museum.
- Illustrated Minerals of Australia Volume 2, Part 1 – Danalite to Dietrichite. The next installment of a significant undertaking documenting the 1,500 or so mineral species recorded in Australia.
- Mineral Snippet – Pentagonite
- Minerals and Elements: Neon and Sodium. The next in the series on elements and minerals. This month, we look at neon and sodium.
- The Harding Mine, New Mexico. Rolf takes us to the Harding Mine, a pegmatite that has the largest occurrence of microlite in the USA, and now owned by the University of New Mexico.
- Mineral Snippet – Metatyuyamunite