…is now available here.
This month, in this 70 page full-colour issue we have the following articles:
- Locality Snippet – Bieber, Germany. The Bieber area is the Type Locality for bieberite and rösslerite.
- Mineral Snippet – Newberyite. James tells us about James Cosmo Newbery and this rare cave mineral named after him.
- Illustrated Minerals of Australia. Volume 1, Part 14 – Chalcophanite to Christelite. The next instalment of a significant undertaking documenting the 1,500 or so mineral species recorded in Australia.
- Locality Snippet – Toombeola Quarry, County Galway, Ireland.
- Bisbee Arizona Chalcoalumite Story. Rolf tells us about acquiring specimens of the uncommon copper aluminium sulphate, chalcoalumite. Lots of blue!
- Minerals and Elements: Beryllium. The next in the series on elements and minerals. Beryl is the best-known beryllium containing species, but there are lots more. Many specimens and photos courtesy Henk Smeets.