Monthly Mineral Chronicles Volume 7 Issue 3 is now available here.
This month, in this 96 page full-colour issue we have the following articles:
- Minerals and Elements: Copper. The next in the series, copper, a versatile and recyclable metal that is an excellent conductor of electricity.
- Mineral Snippet – Manandonite, a rare lithium silicate, first described 112 years ago.
- Illustrated Minerals of Australia Volume 3, Part 8 – Hardystonite to Hematite. The next installment of a significant undertaking documenting the 1,500 or so mineral species recorded in Australia.
- Locality Snippet – Grisons, Switzerland. This month, we look at the minerals of the Swiss Canton, Grisons.
- Minerals of the Tolwong Mine – Part 1. An article originally written in 2006 but never published.
- Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona, Boulder Story. This month, Rolf tells us about a dioptase-bearing boulder found some 130km from where it should have been!