Micromount Club Zoom Sessions

Early in 2020, when Covid first hit, and the world went into varying degrees of lockdown, I set up a Zoom session for members of the Facebook Micromount Club Group. It was attended by people all around the world and all agreed that it was something that we should continue with. Sessions were scheduled every two weeks on a Wednesday at 6am my time (Australian Eastern Time or Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time). This meant that people in the US and Canada could attend Tuesday afternoon their time, and people in the UK and Europe, Tuesday evening.

The vast majority of presentations, apart from the first few sessions, have been recorded and are available on my YouTube Channel.

You can now register for upcoming sessions as per the schedule below. Once registered, you will receive an email and the opportunity to save the Zoom session in your (Google, Yahoo, or Outlook) calendar, and this will be in your local timezone.

Topics, presenters and dates may change, but will be reflected here. Also, check Daylight Savings time changes! All sessions are on the third Wednesday of the month (unless noted otherwise) at 6am my time (Australian Eastern Time or Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time). Use this utility to check times.

There will not be a session in October.

Micromount Club Zoom Meeting 2024-009. Wednesday 20th November at 6am. Minerals from the Eifel, Germany, presented by Henk Smeets. Register here.

Micromount Club Zoom Meeting 2024-010. Wednesday 18th December at 6am. The last Micromount Club Zoom Meeting for 2024! Rod Martin will present the Mineralogy of Mayor Island. Mayor Island has been closed for collecting for a number of years, but many mineral examples still exist in older collections. It is the type locality for tuhualite and one of the few localities in New Zealand where precious opal has been found. Register here.

Let me know if you would like to present on any subject related to minerals.

In addition, a small group meets via Zoom each fortnight for more of a social mineral catch up. These are held at 7pm on Tuesdays, my time. All welcome. Register here (register once for all sessions).