Mineral Matters is a new regular newsletter delivered directly to your email inbox.
News items may include any topic relevant to minerals or related subjects.
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Check out what has already been published here.
1 to 100
- 1 The First Mineral Matters Post
- 2 Another one bites the dust
- 3 Formanite-(Y), Cooglegong, Western Australia
- 4 Is there such a thing as the “Collector Gene”?
- 5 Rare skarn mineral, foshagite
- 6 Australian Journal of Mineralogy
- 7 Hellyerite that was once hellyerite!
- 8 The Geology of the Tour de France
- 9 Foggite, a rare calcium aluminium phosphate
- 10 Carrboydite – a nickel sulphate
- 11 Annabergite, a well-known nickel mineral
- 12 A sign of the times – Helmut Braith
- 13 The challenge identifying rare species…
- 14 A clarification
- 15 Francisite, a rare selenium mineral
- 16 Hidden collection…
- 17 Friedelite, an uncommon manganese silicate
- 18 Trial Harbour tourmaline
- 19 3D Imaging of Minerals
- 20 A peek at corundum
- 21 Brizziite, Le Cetine di Cotorniano Mine, Italy
- 22 Amazing amethyst!
- 23 Mount Arapiles, western Victoria
- 24 Faked tourmalines
- 25 Monthly Mineral Chronicles vol 6 number 7
- 26 Franckeite, a rare sulphosalt
- 27 The Moon’s rocky past
- 28 Anatase, Solumsåsen Quarry, Norway
- 29 Micromount Club Zoom meeting video
- 30 Anatase, Mont Saint Hilaire, Canada
- 31 Anatase, Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil
- 32 Useful mineral sites!
- 33 The challenges of building a systematic mineral collection
- 34 Crocoite, Adelaide Mine, Dundas, Tasmania
- 35 Brief history of Dundas
- 36 Stellerite, Alghero, Sassari Province, Italy
- 37 Franklinite is New Jersey’s State Mineral – Finally!
- 38 Introducing Mineral Matters Sales
- 39 Brookite, Kharan, Pakistan
- 40 Ugly specimens are minerals too
- 41 Minerals, Volume 13, Issue 7 (July 2023)
- 42 Live Night Time Opal Dig
- 43 Edmund Strzelecki
- 44 Night Time Opal Dig Revisited
- 45 Langite, Silver Gill, Cumbria
- 46 2023 Dallas Mineral Collecting Symposium
- 47 Linarite, Silver Gill, Cumbria
- 48 Aurichalcite, Silver Gill, Cumbria
- 49 Mineral name pronunciation
- 50 What’s possible, and what’s likely
- 51 Gold. From where?
- 52 More gold in Tucson
- 53 But wait, there’s more
- 54 Gold crystals
- 55 Pretty in pink
- 56 Keeping it Local
- 57 Monthly Mineral Chronicles vol 6 number 8
- 58 Micromount Club Zoom meeting video
- 59 Mexican Minerals – Grossular, Proustite and a Pseudomorph…
- 60 Ballarat Gem and Mineral Show
- 61 Mexican Minerals in Art
- 62 Ballarat Gem and Mineral Show
- 63 Palygorskite
- 64 Cinnabar and Metacinnabar
- 65 Minerals of Broken Hill book
- 66 Cinnabar with an old Ward’s label
- 67 A classic cinnabar locality
- 68 A very rare mercury-bearing mineral
- 69 Cinnabar from an unusual locality
- 70 Ugly Rocks Rock
- 71 Channelling my inner Attenborough
- 72 Galena, Fitzroy Crossing, Western Australia
- 73 Aikinite, a lead-copper sulphosalt
- 74 Lake Boga Ulrichite
- 75 Galena from a historic mine
- 76 Mildura Gem and Mineral Show
- 77 Cacoxenite from Germany
- 78 Anapaite, a calcium iron phosphate
- 79 Two Fe Phosphates from Lake Boga
- 80 Two More Fe Phosphates from Lake Boga
- 81 Rock Humour
- 82 Four Fe Phosphates on the one specimen!
- 83 Kulanite, a rare barium phosphate
- 84 Locality Snippet – Ophir Hill, Utah
- 85 Illustrated Minerals of Australia, gillardite to goethite
- 86 Phillip Island Field Trip
- 87 Crocoite from New Zealand!
- 88 Monthly Mineral Chronicles
- 89 Imayoshiite, Datolite, Plombièrite, Shijiangshan Mine, China
- 90 Wutong Emperor and Empress
- 91 Whose label?
- 92 Calcite Butterfly Twin
- 93 Ugly is in the eye of the beholder
- 94 Ugly minerals are the perfect way to show the world that you’re not afraid to embrace your inner weirdo
- 95 Ugly minerals are the hidden gems of the mineral world
- 96 Ugly minerals are the perfect gift for someone who hates you
- 97 Ugly minerals are the perfect conversation starters
- 98 Enough of the Ugly Minerals!
- 99 Pareidolia in minerals
- 100 More Pareidolia in minerals
101 to 200
- 101 Red spinel from Mogok
- 102 A hidden spinel!
- 103 Enter at own risk!
- 104 Super Macro vs Super Micro
- 105 Ugly spinel…
- 106 Super Macro Revisited
- 107 Desautels Micromount Symposium
- 108 Bannisterite, Broken Hill
- 109 Vesuvianite, Aosta Valley, Italy
- 110 Eudialyte, Mont Saint-Hilaire, Canada
- 111 Aerinite, Estopiñán del Castillo, Spain
- 112 The Hidden Collection – Phantoms
- 113 The Hidden Collection – More Phantoms
- 114 Colour in minerals
- 115 Collector Gene Revisited
- 116 Minerals and Elements: Chromium
- 117 Minerals and Elements: Chromium
- 118 Minerals and Elements: Chromium
- 119 Monthly Mineral Chronicles
- 120 Gadolinite-(Y), Miyazuma-kyo, Japan
- 121 Cerianite-(Ce), Gakara Project, Burundi
- 122 Silicate group of minerals
- 123 Cerianite-(Ce), Kingsgate, New South Wales
- 124 Davidite-(La), Radium Hill, South Australia and an apology!
- 125 Churchite-(Y), Broken Hill, New South Wales
- 126 Agardite-(Ce), Clara Mine, Germany
- 127 Mineral Rings
- 128 2024 Mineral Calendar
- 129 Pareidolia Returns
- 130 Chabazite, Bundoora, Victoria
- 131 Azurite Suns from Tasmania!
- 132 Marshite, Broken Hill, New South Wales
- 133 Emerald Beryl, Kafubu Emerald District, Zambia
- 134 Smithsonite, Broken Hill, New South Wales
- 135 The Rabbit Ears Tourmaline
- 136 Spherocobaltite, Agoudsl Mine, Morocco
- 137 Erythrite, Mount Cobalt, Queensland
- 138 A new Super Macro Lens
- 139 Erythrite, and cobaltite, Biggenden Mine, Queensland
- 140 Cobaltaustinite after Cobaltite, Dome Rock
- 141 Cobaltoan lithiophorite
- 142 Rutile in amethyst, Harts Range, Northern Territory
- 143 Seminar Day 1
- 144 Seminar Day 2
- 145 Introducing GeoScope3D
- 146 Zeehan Show, Tasmania
- 147 Collecting quartz near the Iron Blow
- 148 Fluorapatite, Panasqueira, Portugal
- 149 Scorodite and carminite, Alto das Quelhas do Gestoso Mine, Portugal
- 150 Monthly Mineral Chronicles
- 151 Scorodite, Panasqueira, Portugal
- 152 Bastnäsite-(Ce), Mont Saint-Hilaire, Canada
- 153 Elongated Pyrite
- 154 A tool to aid identification
- 155 Venturing Beyond the Granite Boundaries
- 156 What’s in a name? 😆
- 157 Venturing Beyond the Granite Boundaries Presentation
- 158 Agardite from Dome Rock, South Australia
- 159 To crop or not to crop…
- 160 Goudeyite, Majuba Hill, Pershing Co, Nevada
- 161 Mixite and Adamite, or is it?
- 162 Gold. The Element of Surprise!
- 163 Golden Big Cat
- 164 The Huacracocha Kraken
- 165 Number 8!
- 166 Krumm-y mineral 😆
- 167 More Hyalite Opal
- 168 An interesting history…
- 169 Glendonites…
- 170 Adamite, Ojuela Mine, Mapimí, Mexico
- 171 Manganese-bearing Adamite from the Ojuela Mine, Mexico
- 172 Zincolivenite(?), Broken Hill, New South Wales
- 173 Australian Greenockite…
- 174 Olivenite, Stavoren Mine, South Africa
- 175 Cerussite with a secret
- 176 Vale Wolf Noack
- 177 Pseudomalachite, Lake Boga, Victoria
- 178 Rock and a Hard Place? Not for Elaterite: The Mineraloid that Defies Rigidity
- 179 Faujasite and calcite, Limberg Quarries, Germany
- 180 Monthly Mineral Chronicles
- 181 Hyalite Opal, Lake Rotokawa, New Zealand
- 182 Layer upon layer upon layer
- 183 Measure once, cut twice…
- 184 The Grinch
- 185 Microminerals of Mont Saint Hilaire
- 186 Ephemeral Mineral…
- 187 Xmas Cuprite
- 188 Mutant Snow Flakes!
- 189 Natrolite Ice Sculpture
- 190 Christmas Mine, Arizona
- 191 Rhodochrosite, Mont Saint-Hilaire
- 192 Bournonite, Tolwong, New South Wales
- 193 Vintage micromounts with surprises
- 194 Christmas Tree Calcite
- 195 Copper, Mount Isa, Queensland
- 196 Stolen Gold
- 197 Potpourri of Minerals
- 198 Using a photo without permission
- 199 Two into one don’t go…
- 200 Micromount Boxes – Protecting Tiny Treasures
201 to 300
- 201 Hewettite
- 202 Index of Mineral Matters
- 203 A hard life
- 204 Location is the most important thing
- 205 Fishtail Twins
- 206 Fluorescent Benitoite
- 207 Another Benitoite…
- 208 Copper in Ancient Wood
- 209 Pyrites of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Galleon of Glitter
- 210 First Show for 2024
- 211 Monthly Mineral Chronicles
- 212 Albite Epitaxy
- 213 Bagrationite…
- 214 Upcoming Micromount Club Zoom Meetings
- 215 Chalcopyrite epitaxial on sphalerite
- 216 Cinnabar, Coldstones Quarry, North Yorkshire
- 217 Mont Saint Hilaire Conundrum Cocktail
- 218 Falcondoite, Falcondo Mine, Dominican Republic
- 219 Nimite and Népouite from South Africa
- 220 Silver, Batopilas, Mexico
- 221 Chlorargyrite, Magnet Mine, Tasmania
- 222 Acanthite from Broken Hill
- 223 Loxton Gem Show
- 224 Truth, Justice, and Moon-Juice
- 225 Stibnite, Costerfield, Victoria, Australia
- 226 Stibnites in my collection
- 227 Stibnite from Broken Hill, New South Wales
- 228 Mineral Antimoney
- 229 First Mineral Art for 2024
- 230 Jargonbusters
- 231 Kalahari Mines and their Minerals
- 232 The American Museum of Natural History
- 233 Warrnambool Show
- 234 Hot Rocks! Cool Bananas!
- 235 Once Upon a Time, I was Pink: A Nostalgic Look Back
- 236 Hoppered Halite
- 237 Nailed It! Signs That Deserve an Award
- 238 Hidden Collection new addition
- 239 Australian Museum, Sydney
- 240 Who’s Who at the Zeehan Gem and Mineral Show
- 241 Golden Monument
- 242 Monthly Mineral Chronicles
- 243 Melanite: A Closer Look at a Black Garnet
- 244 Broken Hill Memorabilia
- 245 Enargite from Taiwan
- 246 Trapiche Emerald from Colombia
- 247 Warning: Owning Red Beryl May Cause Extreme Envy
- 248 Synthetic versus Man-made
- 249 Aquamarine from Vietnam
- 250 Bubbly Beryl
- 251 Tucson Aquas
- 252 Invitation to Micromineral Aficionados
- 253 National Museum Cardiff
- 254 Alien Soup…
- 255 Insects in Amber, Souls on the Styx
- 256 Tumbling through the asteroid belt
- 257 Cowlesite, a rare zeolite
- 258 Behold the Xenon Crystal!
- 259 All that glitters…
- 260 Interested in minerals from South Australia?
- 261 Fluorite in Quartz, Madagascar
- 262 Weird Natrolite
- 263 Translating an old paper…
- 264 Zeolites!
- 265 Chabazite Arch
- 266 Boring colourless zeolite? Not IMHO
- 267 Fact or Fable? – Septarian Nodules Form from Dead Animals
- 268 Colour’s where you find it…
- 269 Chabazite Balancing Act
- 270 Erionite or Offretite, or an Intergrowth of the Two?
- 271 Monthly Mineral Chronicles
- 272 More Hidden Collection
- 273 Minerals of Laurion, Greece
- 274 Canadian Creek, Ballarat
- 275 Hidden Collection likely to stay that way!
- 276 Minerals of the East Eifel, Germany – Part 1
- 277 Actinolite Plus from Mont Saint Hilaire
- 278 Inclusion in Dravite
- 279 Pargasite with a secret
- 280 Don’t mention the “A” word!
- 281 Offretite from Germany
- 282 Tri-Tanium Dioxide!
- 283 Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad
- 284 Should you trust the label?
- 285 Offretite Updated
- 286 Moeraki Calcite
- 287 What’s a Wilbur?
- 288 That Inner Glow
- 289 Historical locality labelling is important
- 290 Improving a photo – Focal Point
- 291 Loanhead Quarry, Beith, Scotland
- 292 Gold, Warrandyte, Victoria
- 293 Interesting surface features
- 294 Diamonds and Death Stars
- 295 Now these ARE diamonds!
- 296 Right location, wrong place
- 297 Fluorite, Mount Bischoff, Tasmania
- 298 Dog’s Head Tier
- 299 Zeolites and Copper Minerals
- 300 Locality association visualisation tool
301 to 400
- 301 Underground in an Elizabethan Mine
- 302 Monthly Mineral Chronicles Volume 7 Issue 4
- 303 Arizonan Vanadinite
- 304 Minerals of the East Eifel, Germany – Part 2
- 305 Vanadinite like Campylite
- 306 Vanadinite, Apache Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA
- 307 Vale George Robinson
- 308 Mount Gunson Sulphides