…is now available here.
This month, in this 96 page full-colour issue we have the following articles:
- Locality Snippet – Silver Gill, Caldbeck Fells. This month, we look at an 800+ years old mine in Cumbria, England, one that I managed to go underground in.
- A Small Private, Patented Mine near Dragoon, Arizona. This month, Rolf takes us to a friend’s mine near Dragoon.
- Mineral Snippet – Chondrodite. James introduces us to the humite-group mineral, chondrodite.
- Minerals and Elements: Titanium. The next in the series, titanium, a lightweight but very strong metal.
- Prehnite from Mullaley, New South Wales. Noel reports on one of the main prehnite occurrences in Australia.
- Illustrated Minerals of Australia. Volume 3, Part 1 – Gadolinite to Gibbsite. The next installment of a significant undertaking documenting the 1,500 or so mineral species recorded in Australia.