Monthly Mineral Chronicles Volume 4 Issue 6 is now available.
This month, in this 68 page full-colour issue, we have the following articles:
- Bob Rothenberg
- Mineral Snippet – Babingtonite
- Collecting at the Old Yuma Mine, Arizona. Rolf takes us to the Old Yuma Mine, Arizona, when it was accessible to collectors.
- The Amazing Mineral Richness of Northern Pakistan. Ed shows us some of the superb minerals that have been coming out of this South Asian region in recent times.
- Mineral Snippet – Peisleyite
- Illustrated Minerals of Australia Volume 1, Part 4 – Antlerite to armenite. The next installment of a significant undertaking documenting the 1,500 or so mineral species recorded in Australia.
- Mineral Snippet – Sturmanite
Available here.