Monthly Mineral Chronicles Volume 7 Issue 9 is now available here.
This month, in this 64 page full-colour issue we have the following articles:
- Mineral Snippet – Vesuvianite. Vesuvianite can be brown, yellow, green, white, red, purple, violet, or blue. What colour do you want?
- Illustrated Minerals of Australia Volume 4, Part 1 – Jacobsite to Junoite. The next installment of a significant undertaking documenting the 1,500 or so mineral species recorded in Australia.
- Locality Snippet – Clay Center, Ohio. This month, we visit a dolomite quarry in Ohio that has produced specimens of fluorite and celestite, and has been active since the 1800s.
- Jasper Find near Sedona, Arizona. This month, Rolf takes us to two localities where rocks meet dog walking!
- Minerals and Elements: Bromine – The next in the series, highly-reactive bromine.
- Minerals and Elements: Krypton – The next in the series, never-reactive krypton.
- A very generous specimen from the Clara Mine, Germany. Paul gives us a view of the anatomy of an interesting Clara Mine specimen.